Monday, June 8, 2009

the eight circuits .... more about them I found on

the eight circutis of

robert anton wilson

t is possible to see the development of an individual (if s/he evolves all the way to the 8th circuit) and the development of life itself as the working out of this Octave of Evolution. Thus:
Circuit Iinfant bio-survival
uni-cellular life
Circuit II"toddler" emotional
politics (ego)
vertebrate life,
territoriality, hierarchy
Circuit IIIstudent Mindhominid languages and
Circuit IVpost-pubescent
urbanized civilization
Circuit Vneurosomatic rapturefree-fall (extraterrestrial migration)
Circuit VIneuroelectric
Intelligence squared
Circuit VIIneurogenetic consciousnessimmortality
Circuit VIIIsatoriCosmic Union
But this is strikingly similar to the teachings of Gurdjieff (which may be, according to many, the secret inner teachings of Sufism). The Gurdjieff vibration numbers and the levels of consciousness, as named by Gurdjieff, fit the table as follows:
384Movement centerCircuit IInvertebrate reality
192False emotional centerCircuit IIMammalian reality
96False intellectual centerCircuit IIIPaleolithic reality
48False personalityCircuit IVCivilized reality
24Magnetic CenterCircuit VHedonic reality
12True Emotional centerCircuit VIPsionic reality
6True Intellectual centerCircuit VIIImmortal reality
3The EssenceCircuit VIIICosmic reality